Escrow Associates of San Gabriel Valley

2025 President Theme: "Crafting for a Brighter Tomorrow"

EASGV was formed in 1954 and was chartered as a regional association of the California Escrow Association in 1957. CEA is a statewide organization of professional escrow practitioners. The vision of the California Escrow Association is to both lead and support the escrow settlement services and real estate and financial industries through our commitment to the professional and personal growth of the escrow practitioner. The California Escrow Association was founded in 1956 and represents thousands of escrow officers and those individuals who support the escrow industry. The organization is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in escrow through continuing education and legislative advocacy.

Quick Links

Calendar of Events - Our interactive calendar is located here.

Meeting Notices - This is where you will find our general membership meeting flyers to make your reservations.

2020 Officers & Directors - Call or Email our leadership.

2020 Committees - Contact a committee chair to see how you can make a difference.

EASGV's Web Albums - Photos from all our events are posted here.

Membership Tools - This is where you will find an application to join our award-winning regional association.