Escrow Associates of San Gabriel Valley

2025 President Theme: "Crafting for a Brighter Tomorrow"

EASGV was formed in 1954 and was chartered as a regional association of the California Escrow Association in 1957. CEA is a statewide organization of professional escrow practitioners. The vision of the California Escrow Association is to both lead and support the escrow settlement services and real estate and financial industries through our commitment to the professional and personal growth of the escrow practitioner. The California Escrow Association was founded in 1956 and represents thousands of escrow officers and those individuals who support the escrow industry. The organization is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in escrow through continuing education and legislative advocacy.

Meet Vanessa James

Vanessa has been in the escrow industry for over 16 years and is known for her dedication to her clients and to her industry. As President of the Escrow Associates of San Gabriel Valley, Vanessa is instrumental in bringing interesting and varied seminars for the education of all the members. As a Director to the California Escrow Association, she is a voice that brings regional concerns to the State level. She has been a bridge between the escrow industry and the real estate industry, tirelessly working to bring understanding and goodwill between the two industries. In 2012 she was recognized as the Affiliate of the Year of the West San Gabriel Valley Association of Realtors, and has served as both Affiliate Chair (2015) and Co-Chair (2014). Vanessa is also a member of the American Escrow Association and the National Notary Association. She welcomes your support! You will see that she will handle all transactions to the clients’ satisfaction – sale of residential, commercial and REO properties, refinances, and Reverse Mortgages! (Jan 2016).

Vanessa James
Escrow Officer

Viva Escrow! Inc.
136 W. Walnut Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016